This classic spring-loaded SunSquare sun sail system does not require any ground support at all thanks to mounting points on the walls and roof.

The 20 m² fabric surface, made with an acyrl fabric from Sattler, completes the overall architectural concept. Not only is the seating area well protected from the sun and rain, but the interior spaces behind the glass surfaces also remain cool in summer thanks to the shade provided by the SunSquare shadesail.

A harmonious overall picture.
Project:, Hermann Guggenberger

Model Type

  • SQS


  • Private
SunSquare Sonnensegel Guggenberger Hermann, Schweiz
SunSquare Sonnensegel Guggenberger Hermann, Schweiz
SunSquare Sonnensegel Guggenberger Hermann, Schweiz
SunSquare Sonnensegel Guggenberger Hermann, Schweiz
SunSquare Sonnensegel Guggenberger Hermann, Schweiz