A new era in the SunSquare family.
FOLD & ROLL - sailing towards the sun
Founded 1993 in Vienna and now based in Tulln, SunSquare Kautzky GmbH manufactures sun sails. These triangular and square motor-driven shading solutions, free-standing or mounted on the wall, with a maximum size of 70 m², are used in the Botanical Garden in Zurich, the State Museum St. Pölten and Melk Abbey, the Palmenhaus in Vienna, Mori-Building Tokyo or on the Jumeirah Palm in Dubai for sun protection. Over 10,000 SunSquare systems have now been mounted worldwide. The export share of SunSquare sun sails is over 80 percent.
“Fold & Roll” is the new superstar from the SunSquare family
SunSquare's chief designer Mag. Gerald Wurz has created a real design classic with the new sail. The reduction to the essentials in connection with the highest demands on technology and aesthetics were once again the basis for this textile and yet industrial-looking design. The 270 degree rotatability conjure up a 75 m² sun protection from the 30 m² sail umbrella. The awning is also intelligent. If the wind gets too strong, the arm system folds in automatically and the sail rolls up.
The luxury sailing paralsol
Like a clockwork, stainless steel gears control the rope deflections so that the sail ends can retract evenly according to a tangent function. The sail consists of weatherproof and UV-resistant coated acrylic fabric or PVC mesh fabric. Both are available in several different colors. Dyneema ropes are used for the rope hoist, only V4A stainless steel grade 1.4571 is used for load-bearing parts.
International echo
FOLD & ROLL - Presented for the first time at the international furniture fair IMM in Colognein 2018. This sun protection solution received a lot of attention and international response. In the private upscale high-end area as well as in the area of luxury hotels and restaurants. The "FOLD & ROLL" is the modern alternative to conventional large umbrellas on terraces and pool decks. Open spaces on luxury yachts are also a possible location for this extravagant design solution. The innovative sun protection, which has been submitted for numerous design awards, will, like other SunSquare products, secure a permanent place in the history of sun protection. The world market leader from Lower Austria is convinced of this.
2018 erstmals auf der internationalen Möbelmesse IMM in Köln präsentiert, erfuhr diese Sonnenschutzlösung viel Aufmerksamkeit und internationales Echo. Im privaten gehobenen Highend Bereich ebenso wie im Bereich der Luxus-Hotellerie und -Gastronomie. Der „Fold & Roll“ ist die moderne Alternative zu herkömmlichen Großschirmen auf Terrassen und Pooldecks. Ebenso sind Freiflächen auf Luxusjachten ein möglicher Ort für diese extravagante Designlösung.
Der innovative Sonnenschutz, der für etliche Designpreise eingereicht wurde, wird sich, ähnlich anderen SunSquare Produkten, wieder einen fixen Platz in der Geschichte im Bereich Sonnenschutz sichern können. Davon ist der Weltmarktführer aus Niederösterreich überzeugt.